開幕晚會 Opening Party : 2007.11. 30 (Firday)
時間 Time: 7PM -10PM
展出日期 Event Date: 2007.12.01~12.02(12PM - 08PM)
2007.12.03(12PM - 04PM)
地點 Location: 西門町電影公園 /免費入場
普騰電子 x 法國在台協會 共同推出 INTERMIX 07
A synergy between digital technology and urban art
以台灣之光製造全球頂尖液晶電視的普騰電子與法國在台協會,再次推出Intermix液晶電視塗鴉活動。合力邀請活躍於法國的街頭塗鴉大師 123KLAN、DC GECKO、HONET、MIST、TILT 與台灣本土頂尖塗鴉藝術家 BOBO、BOUNCE、COLASA、DZUS、KEA,共同產生Intermix效應!於普騰32吋液晶電視上,自由地表達他們對藝術詮釋的獨創性。10件全球獨一無二的液晶電視塗鴉創作將公開亮相、一次展出!
A synergy between digital technology and urban art
以台灣之光製造全球頂尖液晶電視的普騰電子與法國在台協會,再次推出Intermix液晶電視塗鴉活動。合力邀請活躍於法國的街頭塗鴉大師 123KLAN、DC GECKO、HONET、MIST、TILT 與台灣本土頂尖塗鴉藝術家 BOBO、BOUNCE、COLASA、DZUS、KEA,共同產生Intermix效應!於普騰32吋液晶電視上,自由地表達他們對藝術詮釋的獨創性。10件全球獨一無二的液晶電視塗鴉創作將公開亮相、一次展出!
INTERMIX, a synergy between digital technology and urban art is presented by Proton Electronics, a leading home electronic manufacturer and Institut Francais de Taipei। Through its cooperative efforts, 10 renowned artists from France and Taiwan have been invited to express their individual and collective ideas and styles on Proton's 32-inch LCD televisions, opening new avenues concerning how we view LCD TVs। Let us experience first-hand, a new interpretation of high-tech lifestyle products through work and inspiration of an entire generation of new artists।